Proposed General Aviation Aerodrome

Aerodrome Work Consultation Notification of Community per
Canadian Aviation Regulations Part III, Subpart 307

Location and Purpose

The new aerodrome is proposed for 7818 & 7486 Old Homestead Road, Town of Georgina, Ontario.

The project will be funded privately and will support the local and regional economy by offering year-round services to the small and medium sized recreational, private, charter and business aviation community.

Aerodrome Features

The scope of work includes:

  • Two paved, all weather marked and lighted runways up to 991m (3,250 ft) in length

  • Supporting taxiways and aircraft parking apron

  • Supporting flying clubhouse building (400-500 m²)

  • Aircraft hangar and supporting use development lots, and

  • Aerodrome access roads and utilities.

The work is proposed to commence in the summer of 2022 and be completed in about 3 years.


Under Canadian Aviation Regulations Part III, Subpart 307, Transport Canada requires that any new aerodrome proposal include informing and consulting with the local community. Comments or objections are welcome with respect to the proposed new aerodrome and can be sent using the email or mailing addresses below. Additional information related to the Aerodrome Work Consultation process can be found on Transport Canada’s website here.

Submissions were welcomed and received between November 5, 2021 and December 22, 2021. The comment period is now closed.


Two advertisements were placed in local papers and included an incorrect email address. The email address published was The correct email address should have been

Emails sent to the incorrect email would have received a notification of the email being undelivered. If you received such a notice and did not send your comments via the other available options including the website or mail, please forward your original email along with the undelivered notification to so that it can be considered.

There will also be another opportunity to comment on this project once the draft Summary Report is published for public review prior to being issued in its final form to the Minister of Transport and Interested Parties.

DRAFT Summary Report

All those Interested Parties that submitted comments related to the Proposed Aerodrome Ontario 2021 Project between November 5, 2021 and December 22, 2021 have been sent a copy of the Draft Summary Report as of March 1, 2022.

The Proponent will be accepting comments to the Draft Summary Report for further consideration prior to issuing the Final Summary Report to the Minister at the end of March 2022. Interested Parties are invited to submit any comments to the draft report by March 15, 2022.

The Draft Summary Report comment period is now closed.

FINAL Summary Report

On March 29, 2022, the Proponent submitted the Final Summary Report to the Minster of Transport and has notified all Interested Parties in accordance with Canadian Aviation Regulations Part III, Subpart 307, Aerodrome Work Consultation Process for the final 30-day review period.  A copy of this report was posted on this website.

Between March 29, 2022 and July 6, 2022, the Proponent addressed a number of comments from Transport Canada which have been accepted.

An updated report dated May 30, 2022, Revision 3 has been posted to this website and can be viewed or downloaded below.

The Final Summary Report provides the following in accordance with the regulation:

  1. A description of the proposed aerodrome work;

  2. A description of the measures taken by the proponent to comply with the requirements of this Subpart;

  3. The interested parties who were notified of the proposed aerodrome work; and

  4. A summary of the comments and objections received, the actions that the proponent proposes to take to address those comments and objections, and any objections that were not addressed, if applicable.